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Who were they?
Have you travelled to Cornwall by car and crossed the Tamar Bridge near Plymouth? Do you know who designed this bridge? It was Isambard Kingdom Brunel.
What did they do?
Have you ever communicated with America online? Perhaps you have watched a Hollywood film on the internet? Brunel's work was part of making this possible. He was a famous engineer who designed, ships, railways, bridges and tunnels. His ship even laid all of the cables for people in England and America to be able to communicate.
When they lived
Brunel was a famous Victorian. Lots of people moved to Torquay at this time. Can you name any others?
Interesting fact
Have you ever choked on some food? It can be scary, right? Brunel once choked on some food and nearly died. He saved his own life by designing the tool to get the food out, and it is the same tool that hospitals still use today!
Now it's your turn
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Choose which 4 questions you’re going to research about this person. Think about what will make your poster the most interesting. What do you want to know about this person?