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Who were they?
Have you ever heard of a country called Ethiopia? Can you find it on a map? Haile Selassie was the leader (Emperor) of Ethiopia.
What did they do?
He was the leader of Ethiopia, but he did not have a very easy time. Italy invaded and took over the country, and he lived in the UK for a few years. After he was able to go back to his country he lived there as Emperor for a long time, before other people decided they wanted him to leave the country instead.
When they lived
Do you know how long Queen Elizabeth II has been Queen? She met Haile Selassie, because he was Emperor of Ethiopia until 1974, but he lived in the UK from 1935 until 1942, before she became Queen.
Interesting fact
Have you heard of refugees? Do you know what it means? Haile Selassie was forced to run away from Ethiopia, as living there was too dangerous for him. He was a political refugee. Britain let him live here, but in the end he went back to Ethiopia to rule it again. He knew the Queen.
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